The spider extends all eight of her legs; she is the epitome of strength and allure, and her mate cannot resist. Teach those who see your back and its upside-down triangle the meaning of fear and desire with the Widow, a 2-in-1 lat-pull-down/cable-row combo designed to target your biceps, deltoids, trapezius, and, most of all, your latissimus dorsi.
The cable system attaches seamlessly to our Nitro, Krypton, and Barbarian racks or any custom 3x3 upright with 1-inch holes, and the central mechanism allows you to change resistance by alternating between 250 pounds of selectorized weight plates.
Like its spider namesake, the widow is black and surprisingly strong for its size. Made with 11-gauge stainless steel, half-inch bolts, and high-density steel cables with rubber casing, the Widow is built to last. Additionally, you can purchase a variety of attachments from our online store such as straight bars, rope handles, and V-bars, allowing you to customize your workouts and target virtually any muscle group.
The Widow is perfect for commercial settings, home gyms, or wherever you’ve fixed your web. It boasts. . .
• A lat-pulldown station
• A cable-row station
• A 2:1 pulley ratio
• 2.5-inch-thick upholstery
• Laser-etched Bolt insignia
• Chip and rust-resistant powder-black paint
(Lat Pulldown and Chinning Bar NOT INCLUDED)