The Storm Series Viper Signature Olympic Chest Press is enormous. Its dimensions (64 x 75 x 59) and weight (580 lbs) far exceed industry averages. Does the Viper need to be this big and this heavy? Yes. Here’s why.
The current world record for equipped bench press is 1,350 pounds, which Jimmy Kolb has held since 2022, but soon it will be broken, and we, here at Bolt Fitness, want to build platforms on which such record-breaking lifts can happen, thus the Viper’s 7-gauge steel construction, its, half-inch screw-on lock pins, and its weight capacity in excess of 2,000 pounds.
Lifters aspiring to the world record will need spotters, and the Viper is built with their needs in mind. Your primary spotter stands on an elevated stainless-steel platform 12 inches off the ground and parallel to the bench so that their assist resembles a deadlift as closely as possible. However, if the worst happens and the bar drops, two UHMW-bolstered safety catches extend 24 inches on either side of the bench so that--in the event of a catastrophe--the weight will not land on the lifter. These catches can be removed to make way for two more spotters on either end of the barbell or if you want to use the Viper to do dumbbell flies.
It is one thing to create a platform on which you can perform an exercise and another to create one where you want to perform an exercise. This is why the Viper is engineered for maximum comfort. The bench itself is 10 inches wide and 3 inches thick so that the user will, at no point, feel the lateral edges of the bench or detect variations in the backrest, even after years of use.
Then there are the aesthetic considerations. The numbered chambers are laser-etched, as are the Thor’s Head, Three Horns of Odin, BOLT insignias, and triquetra designs. The steel beams are painted with a matte-black powder-coated finish and the upholstery can also be embellished with custom embroidery at an added cost.
The Viper comes with many features, but an adjustable bench is not one of them. That is on purpose. The Storm Series Viper Signature Olympic Chest Press is a dedicated chest press, and its unparalleled durability, comfort, and stability make it the only one you’ll ever need.
*Please note this machine arrives disassembled