The BOLT Mercury features racks for 10 barbells of any weight you choose, with a weight limit of 2,000 pounds. This extraordinary sturdiness is made possible thanks to the Mercury’s 3-by-3-inch 11-gauge steel beams, which we have coated with a thick layer of scratch and chip-resistant powder-black paint.
The barbells themselves never come into contact with the rack and instead sit on the Mercury’s polycarbonate UCBH mounts.
Though the weight of the barbells is likely to hold the rack down, the Mercury’s feet come with pre-drilled holes so that the user can secure it to the floor. We are particularly proud of this piece and have, consequently, emblazoned our name and iconography all over it with two Lord Bolt heads and four BOLT insignias.
Height: 60 inches
Width: 49 inches
Length: 34 inches
Weight: 90 pounds