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Most preacher-curl benches have adjustable seats and that is the limit of their accommodation, but the Axe splits the competition with an adjustable seat, an adjustable armrest, and an adjustable barbell stand, each offering six inches of verticality. 

The Axe’s quarter-inch galvanized steel pull-pins make these adjustments possible, and thanks to its 7-and-11-gauge steel construction, it can hold upwards of 500 pounds, all on a relatively small platform.

Most preacher curl benches take up over 100 square inches of floor space, but the Axe has a length of 38 inches, a width of 32 inches, and a height of 34 inches, a remarkably compact size for its functionality.

Beyond the six-inch-thick roll at the top of the armrest, the pad is three inches thick and gives athletes a generous 25-by-16-inch platform on which to rest their arms at a variety of angles so as to isolate different heads of the bicep.

The racking arms are 27.5 inches apart, wide enough to offer a variety of handholds but narrow enough to accommodate the vast majority of barbells. To protect themselves and the bars you place on them, the docking arms are bolstered by high-density UHMW plastic cups, the same material we use to make our J-hooks.

Safety and functionality were not our only concerns when designing the Axe. We also wanted it to look good. The Axe features anti-microbial synth-leather upholstery, laser-etched triquetra designs, bolt insignia, and our signature “Lord Bolt” Thor’s head in a color of your choosing.

The Axe Boasts. . .

  • 7 and 11-gauge steel construction
  • Adjustable seat, armrest, and barbell rack
  • Chip-resistant powder-black finish
  • Three-inch-thick upholstery
  • 7 and 11-gauge steel construction
  • Laser-etched triquetra and Lord Bolt emblem
  • Customizable color for backplate


  • Length: 38 inches
  • Width: 31.5 inches
  • Height: 36 inches