"The quickest way to a man's heart is through his chest." -Rosanne Barr
(so why not fortify it)
A wise fitness algorithm once said “a strong chest is the cornerstone of upper-body strength”. Not only does a well-developed chest improve your physique but it also plays a critical role in everything from pushing and pressing motions to stabilizing your torso and protecting vital organs. We often overlook this muscle group, or prioritize it based solely on aesthetics, but these muscles play a key role in our daily lives. So whether you're beginning your fitness journey right here with Bolt (thank you and welcome) or are an experienced athlete looking to level up (also welcome), mastering the chest is essential for a robust life inside and outside the gym. With some basic understanding of anatomy and proper equipment, activating these muscles with intention will be easy (disclaimer: building a well defined chest will not be easy). In this brief and simple guide, we'll discuss the anatomy of the chest, explore different types of fitness equipment and dive chest first into how Bolt Fitness Supply can provide you with the tools to unlocking the chest. So button up and let's begin!
Understanding the basic anatomy that composes your chest will help you target this muscle group effectively and set you on your way to looking like your favorite movie star (or superhero). There are four main muscles that compose the chest: the pectoralis major, the pectoralis minor, the serratus anterior and the subclavius. These muscles are skeletal muscles meaning they are attached to the bone underneath.
Pectoralis Major: This is the biggest and strongest muscle associated with the chest and therefore the most important muscle to develop. It primarily assists in bringing the arms closer to the body but also helps stabilize the shoulders. There are two main parts that compose this muscle:
Clavicular (Upper) Head: This is the top half of the pectoral muscle and connects at the Humerus bone (upper arm bone). This section is primarily tasked with pulling the arms up and across the body. This clavicular head is best activated during incline presses and flies and other exercises that angle the body upward. (see our Anarchy bench)
Sternal (Middle/Lower) Head: This muscles consitutes the larger portion of the Pectoralis Major region and is responsible for the fan shape of the muscle group, connection at the humerus and speading for the collarbone to the 6th rib. This muscle is best activated during flat and decline presses. (see our Riot bench)
Pectoralis Minor: While not a primary muscle, the pectoralis minor sits underneath the pectoralis major and works to stabilize the scapula (shoulder blade) during pressing movements. It works alongside the shoulder region to provide support in exercises that involve a pressing motion.
Serratus Anterior: Sometimes referred to as the "boxer’s muscle" because it is engaged in a long strong reach, it becomes active during the movement of the shoulder blade away from the spine and toward the front of the body (scapular protraction), such as in push-ups or when pushing weights away from the body.
Subclavius: The smallest muscles in our chest group, this triangular muscle sits in the upper chest stabilizing the collarbone, lifting up the first rib and protecting the nearby nerves and blood vessels.
Each style of workout equipment—selectorized, plate-loaded, and free weights—will engage these muscles differently based on the movement mechanics and stability provided by each piece. But perhaps you're wondering (as I once did) what the difference between selectorized, plate-loaded and free weight equipment is.
Definition: Selectorized machines use a weight stack that adjusts with a pin for easy load changes.
Benefits: Great for beginners or those seeking a controlled, stable movement with minimal risk of injury. These machines are designed to isolate specific muscles and are very intuitive and accessible to entry level gym goers.
Limitations: Lack the full range of motion and muscle activation compared to other styles of workout machines.
Definition: These machines use external plates to provide resistance, allowing users to adjust the weight manually.
Benefits: Plate-loaded machines provide a more natural range of motion, combining machine stability with the benefits of free weights. They can mimic the movements of free weights but with added guidance.
Limitations: These often require more space and are less versatile than selectorized machines. Plate-loaded machines are typically for more intermediate or advanced users and are often located on the intimidating side of the gym. (you know what I’m talking about)
Definition: Free weights include dumbbells, barbells, and kettlebells, with very limited or no machine support.
Benefits: The most versatile, minimal and functional style of weightlifting. This form of lifting engages stabilizer muscles and promotes maximum muscle recruitment. Free weights allow for full range-of-motion exercises and can be adapted to target any given muscle.
Limitations: Requires proper form to prevent injury and are challenging and inaccessible for beginners to use effectively and safely.
Now the moment you’ve probably scrolled down for: what types of machines does Bolt Fitness Supply have available to help me develop the chest of my dreams? So whether you're a gym pro, a gym amateur or a hypothetical gym goer Bolt Fitness Supply has got you covered across all 3 distinct categories of fitness equipment.
The Shock Series Incline and Shoulder Press Combo
Freedom Vector Plate Loaded Chest Press
Classic Series Attila Plate-Loaded Chest Press
Whether you prefer the controlled nature of selectorized machines, the natural motion of plate-loaded machines, or the freedom of free weights, Bolt Fitness Supply offers an impressive range of fitness equipment designed to meet your chest ambitions. From beginners looking for ease and safety with our Shock Series Selectorized line to advanced athletes seeking maximum muscle engagement with our plate loaded products and Olympic benches, these machines are designed to provide optimal results for muscle growth, strength, and overall chest development. Explore the full range of Bolt Fitness machines and find the right equipment to enhance your chest day routine.